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Custom Links

Custom links allow users to display arbitrary hyperlinks to external content within NetBox object views. These are helpful for cross-referencing related records in systems outside NetBox. For example, you might create a custom link on the device view which links to the current device in a network monitoring system.

Custom links are created by navigating to Customization > Custom Links. Each link is associated with a particular NetBox object type (site, device, prefix, etc.) and will be displayed on relevant views. Each link is assigned text and a URL, both of which support Jinja2 templating. The text and URL are rendered with the context variable obj representing the current object.

For example, you might define a link like this:

  • Text: View NMS

  • URL:{{ }}

When viewing a device named Router4, this link would render as:

<a href="">View NMS</a>

Custom links appear as buttons in the top right corner of the page. Numeric weighting can be used to influence the ordering of links.


Custom links rely on user-created code to generate arbitrary HTML output, which may be dangerous. Only grant permission to create or modify custom links to trusted users.

Context Data

The following context data is available within the template when rendering a custom link's text or URL.

| Variable | Description |


| obj | The NetBox object being displayed |

| debug | A boolean indicating whether debugging is enabled |

| request | The current WSGI request |

| user | The current user (if authenticated) |

| perms | The permissions assigned to the user |

Conditional Rendering

Only links which render with non-empty text are included on the page. You can employ conditional Jinja2 logic to control the conditions under which a link gets rendered.

For example, if you only want to display a link for active devices, you could set the link text to

{% if obj.status == 'active' %}View NMS{% endif %}

The link will not appear when viewing a device with any status other than "active."

As another example, if you wanted to show only devices belonging to a certain manufacturer, you could do something like this:

{% if == 'Cisco' %}View NMS{% endif %}

The link will only appear when viewing a device with a manufacturer name of "Cisco."

Group names can be specified to organize links into groups. Links with the same group name will render as a dropdown menu beneath a single button bearing the name of the group.